Monday 11 June 2012


 Lucky's was a popular cafe - packed out whatever the time of day.  But this innocuous sounding corner cafe had some surprises up its sleeve !  "We call it Kabaron Wali Dukan"  Jinesh explained - it means 'Shop with tombs' !  Sure enough there were as many tombs as there were tables and chairs - some of the coffins were covered with decorated cloths.  To add to this intriguing setting a giant Neem Tree grew at an angle through the cafe, exiting through the roof !

This was M.F. Husein's (India's Picasso) favourite cafe - so much so that he painted a picture especially for the place - although M.F. Husein's paintings are displayed in museums around the world, this one is unattended and hangs on a simple wall amongst the clutter....

As we drank our chai and ate our maskabun (a bun with a thick coating of white butter) and looked at the tombs around us, I couldn't help musing on whether this was possibly an ideal final resting place - in amongst the hubbub and clatter of the chai swilling crowd with an original painting by an Old Master overhead !