Sunday 31 March 2013


"We've put you on the 17th Floor, Madam," said the Mumbai hotel receptionist, reassuringly..."that's where we put all women traveling on their own" !  This was the first time I'd ever encountered this kind of consideration ....a kind of 21st century purdah ?   In the global gender equality index, India rates 105 out of 135 this was a salute to that statistic !

One of the very pleasing aspects of the Holi celebration of a few days ago, is the breaking down of barriers, gender, age and religion....a good time is had by all, as identity is obliterated.

However, the view from the 17th floor was impressive and one could only marvel at the superb lines of the Rajiv Gandhi Sea-link opened by Sonia Gandhi in 2009, with its 420 ft high concrete towers and fine mesh of suspension cables, linking West and South Mumbai and costing 16 billion rupees - a highway over the Arabian Sea.

Tuesday 26 March 2013



A misty full moon overhead and neatly stacked pyramidal tepees of dry wood, round pats of dung and at the apex, the faded detritus and ragged remnants of the 'Kite Festival', these pyres lined the road in readiness for the bonfire lighting which precedes the colour festival of Holi.  Carts with heaps of coloured sand, looked blindingly colourful under the hot sun.

This festival celebrates the end of Winter and a welcome to Spring.  All barriers come down as everyone celebrates renewal, casting off the old and embracing the new.  Water pistols filled with a mixture of coloured sand and water, make formidable weapons as everyone tries to daub everyone else with as much colour as they can - obliterating the old identity.  This raucous display, makes the old miniature paintings of Lord Krishna celebrating Holi with Radha and the Gopis, look very sedate !

And in other countries they'll be celebrating this time of year with Easter Eggs !