Monday 14 December 2009


Fireworks light the sky and thunderous explosions fill the night, every night.  It's the Wedding Season !  Venues for weddings are lavishly decorated and a million lights adorn every corner with elaborate entrance gateways and fabulous flower decorations.  The festivities go on for days and no expense is spared in the celebration.  Street processions include dancing troupes and horses as the couple are welcomed into the state of marriage.

An astrological chart is drawn up when you are born, based on the place, year, day, hour and minute of your birth and when marriage negotiations between families take place, these charts are carefully studied in order to find the most suitable match.  Although 'love' is a factor, it is by no means the most important factor and emphasis is placed on marrying into the right family and cast.  Brahmans, the highest cast, would not consider marrying into the lowest cast.  In choosing a husband, girls place emphasis on the character of the person and that he should respect them and their beliefs and respect their parents.  Food, also plays a part, and a vegetarian would not find it practical to be married to a non-vegetarian, as meals could not be shared.  Strangely, although there is such strict control regarding cast and family conventions, they are very accommodating about religion and accepting of each other's gods and religious practices.  The community is such a strong aspect of Indian Culture, for us Westerners, it is strange to think outside of the individual and individual needs - consulting ones parents on the choice of a suitor would be practically unheard of, but in India the whole family is involved and it is in the interests of the whole family for the marriage to work !

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