Sunday 31 January 2010


Geetika, her thin frame bent over with the weight of her bag, had just been to the xerox shop down the road to collect three books which had been photocopied for her !  This is common practice among students.  I was astounded at the mere concept of having whole books photocopied.  But text books are scarce and the bookshops have a very limited selection of academic books, in fact none at all, so this practice of copying books has become the way round the problem.  The shop will undo a book to photocopy it in its entirety and then rebind it - I felt a sense of horror at the idea of actually taking a book apart in order to copy it and then found half a dozen other students  were walking around with the same bundles of raw photocopied information.  So I decided to try it myself and sure enough, I was told that I could come back in an hour to fetch my copied book!   

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