Monday, 24 January 2011


The value of networking was so clearly demonstrated - here was a clan who had globalised their family and in this way their business interests.  Where 'Body Shop', McDonald's, Kalvin Klein, etc. have a globalised commodity, the Patels had done the same with their family, which is continually diversifying and adapting to change.

I was struck by her interesting story of the resilience of a family.  It reminded me of a line from J.R.R. Tolkien's poem, from 'Lord of the Rings' ....."not all those who wander, are lost"

"I was born in Kampala, Uganda' she told me...."but because of the troubles there at that time, Idi Amin was in power, we left and came back to India, when I was very little.  We settled here, my mother, six sisters, two brothers and I.  My father secretly remained behind in Uganda and went into hiding, keeping the business going.  I was educated here in India and met my husband here.  He worked in the family business, but when they decided to open a new venture in America, about 30 years ago, we set off for Los Angeles. We settled down there and now 180 of our family are based in California.  My husband worked hard to make the business a success.   But we always returned to India once a year on holiday.  Years before, we had bought a farm, when we were just married - land was very cheap then and we planted flowering trees there every year.  It was a way of de-stressing - we'd go out early in the morning - there was a rustic cottage on the farm and we'd make tea.  Now it's a haven of tranquility.

When we return to the U.S., it's like changing gear, instead of the servants and the slow pace of life that we have here in India, I do everything myself at high speed.  Even though I come from a big family, we have only two daughters, who are studying there - they will marry in the U.S. and settle down" 

Despite changes of continent and hemisphere, the essential elements of this globalised Patel community were unchanging, first and foremost their loyalty to the family and their close contact with each other through family marriages and other celebrations and then their emphasis on entrepreneurship and hard work.   They now span Africa, India, Europe and the USA - a cat's cradle of relationships, a network, for younger members of the clan to use, in establishing themselves.

'But what happened to your father ?'  I asked....."He remained in Africa, he loved it so much - he wished to be buried in Uganda.  Now one of my brothers continues the family interests there" !

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