Sunday 4 March 2012


I noticed him immediately - tall... refined features....standing waiting at the baggage carousel at Delhi Airport.....but what was most eye-catching about him, was what he was wearing.....his crisp pink shirt was set off by a deeper pink turban (pagri).  This sikh stood out from the crowd - nobility etched in every crisp fold.

Although blue, black, saffron and white are the predominant colours for the turban - white for peace, saffron for rallies, etc., colours can simply refer to a time of year - pink for spring !  The turban is 6m long and is manually tied, but can be lifted off the head like a hat and I have noticed what distinction they confer - a man who has taken off his turban loses inches in height, both metaphorically as well as physically.

I imagined a new painting for Titian - instead of 'Man with a blue sleeve' - this would be 'Man with a pink pagri'   

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