Sunday 23 September 2012


Holy Trinity Church (1851) near Trinity Circle on Mahatma Gandhi Street, in Bangalore, looked like any other English Parish Church, but this one had some how come down to land in India.  It faced East, like all English Parish Churches and the original nineteenth century bell is still rung every Sunday just as it always has.

The Eastern end of the church has an 'Angel Hammer Beam Roof', which must have reminded its English Congregation of some of the finest parish churches back in England.  Sitting in the polished wooden pews, gave a sense of another time in the distant past and one could almost hear the strains of the pipe organ, playing a familiar hymn.  The commemorative slabs around the walls told the story of the men of the British Regiments, who had worshipped in the Church two centuries ago - some had succumbed to cholera, some to battle wounds but the last tablet on the left wall, caught the eye - this gentleman must have been a member of the Regiment carrying out the first geographical survey of India - this necessitated going through unchartered territory in the relentless pursuit of measurement, sometimes with dire consequences !

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