Sunday 6 January 2013


This seems an appropriate collective noun for the troop of monkeys which tore through the quiet suburban gated complex.

A winter afternoon in Gujarat - the unaccustomed freshness of air was welcome after 11 months of searing heat.   Although the temperatures hover around 25 C, the local people are usually kitted out in sweaters, balaclavas and even ear muffs, while those of us from Europe, find the temperature pleasant enough for a T-shirt and switch off the fans for the first time in the year.

The afternoon is a quiet time for enjoying the warm sunshine, but this troop of monkeys saw otherwise - like a gang of destructive teenagers, they exploded onto the scene, racing up the thin stemmed garden shrubs and trees and using the swaying branches to pole-vault and trampoline onto the rooftops of parked cars, making as much noise as possible, fearful of nobody and game for anything.  Tearing branches off trees, scattering leaves every where in rampant destruction and making a mockery of the morning spent sweeping and cleaning the porches and forecourt.  Their energy and flexibility was a spectacle of sheer audacity. Leaping from iron gates to upper floor terraces and then thundering down onto the concrete below, in a show of acrobatics and athletic antics.

With a final burst of speed, they wrapped up the 20 minute show and shot off.

                                         "Mum's the word, but where did I get my ears from?"

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