Wednesday 6 February 2013


Headlines in the local English language newspaper are certainly eye catching:  "Murderer 'nailed' by son" or 'Farmer 'did himself in' by hanging self"   "robbers 'nabbed' ", "the thieves were caught 'red-handed' in the 'wee hours'!

Interestingly, the use of written English in this idiomatic way, negates the seriousness of the crimes or the tragedies, being reported, reducing them to no more than comic strip reportage !

Most of the reporting of crime is done in this matter of fact tone.  The horror of reading these stories is compounded by the light-hearted way in which horrific detail is treated.  After reading some of these headlines, one turns with trembling fingers to the inner page with the daily homily by 'The Speaking Tree' writer,  urging his readers towards compassion and spirituality, with the reassurance of the existence of Infinite Love. 

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