Sunday 1 September 2013


The modern architectural movements of the early 20th century, found a ready market worldwide and particularly in India where Art Deco and De Stijl flourished.  Not so much the use of primary colours, but rather shades and tints to accentuate architectural features.  Due to the monsoon climate and enduring year round heat, small windows and balconies are set in cubic enclosures, painted in a cooler colour, to give the effect of shade, even if not actual !  Flat roofs are prevalent, providing space for water tanks and in the dry, cooler, winter months, a popular place to sleep.

Pilotis, introduced by Le Corbusier in the 1930s in France, have become de rigueur in all modern building in India, providing garaging space for multi story apartment blocks, as India becomes increasingly urbanised and a shady place for cows to stand during the heat of summer !

And as urban planning allows for more and more of these hastily erected apartment blocks to flourish, generally featureless in their cubic proportions, the old independent bungalows of the 'Art Deco' and 'De Stijl' generation, add a 'masala mix', which certainly adds interest and 'colour' to the neighbourhood  !

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