Saturday, 12 September 2015


The Documentary Film Maker was to give a presentation of his work in retrospect.  He was 77 years old with an unlined face and dapper figure, without a centimetre of fat anywhere to be seen.  He had won numerous awards for his films, although some had been banned, as being too controversial.  A Documentary Film is essentially story telling, based on known facts - he explained that his motive in making films was to inform and communicate to as many people as possible.  He pointed out that film can reach a wider audience and has the power to move people to action, quite spontaneously.  Ideas came to him from everyday experiences.

Interestingly, this 77 year old film maker was also a Katak Dancer and at the end of his talk, the audience begged him for a demonstration.  Without being asked twice, he whipped off his socks and gave a demonstration of movement, balance and flexibility with a face radiant with energy.

Did the Katak dancing inform his Documentary Film Making or was it the other way round ?  But what is common to both, is the technique of story telling, whether it is through dance and mime or acting and dialogue !

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