Friday 20 November 2009


A carton of fruit juice, two toffees wrapped in silver paper, a little packet containing a hot pastry, a sandwich, a little box with a cake and a large bottle of water with paper cup !  Later we were each given a packet which contained tea bags, sugar and milk and a thermos flask of boiling water so we could brew a quick cupper as we watched Gujarat streaking by the train window.  This was the Shatabdi Express to Mumbai.  Our carriage was air conditioned and plug sockets were provided to recharge mobiles and computers !!

Later dinner was served, this was equally surprising !  First we were given a small tray with a mug of tomato soup and Italian bread sticks and butter.  When we were finished this course, our trays were whipped away and about half-an-hour later, we were served with a larger tray, this time with little individually wrapped cartons containing a curried paneer dish, a bowl of rice, a bowl of dahl, a bowl of salad, a bowl of curd, a small amount of mixed pickle, a packet of mints, a hand wipe and a packet of tear-off soap sheets and to finish this banquet off, a little while later, delivered with the flourish of a Father Christmas, the steward gave us each a huge tub of ice-cream !  No wonder my companions were burping and letting rip !  I'd go again just for the meal - who wants to fly when you can spend the journey time of 5 hours feasting !?

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