Saturday 21 November 2009


It's big, the population is huge, the slums are huge, the skyscrapers advertise the huge corporate wealth.  People pour into Mumbai with expectations high.  The capital of Bollywood, the purveyor of dreams, hopes are high, the sky is the limit, but too often dreams end in the cramped slums, where existence is eeked out.  Taxis are part and parcel of this coming and going.  In fact many of the taxi drivers have come up from the south of India to work and make a living.  Their yellow and black cars become little homes, the upholstery crudely covered with cheap fabric and decorative items added to give personality, pizazz and a certain unique quality, even though they are all identical.  I photographed one such taxi which paused at a street corner and the light transformed it into burnished gold, a dream machine, the only reminder of reality was the exterior meter, which said 'For Hire'.

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