Tuesday, 13 April 2010


She is the floor wallah - Lily - this job is attacked with relish and speed and the cream marble tiles gleam - the secret is 1 tsp of salt and 1tsp of surf washing powder, so she told me, in a bucket of water.  But she is not a dusting wallah and definitely not a bathroom wallah - those jobs are for lower castes.  But I live on the infamous Jetalpur Road, which is constantly being dug up and dust and sand sweep into the apartment every day, so I suggested that I would pay her more if she could do the other jobs.  She reluctantly agreed.   But the dusting is done without interest - a cursory wipe suffices, usually accompanied by a disapproving sniff and the bathroom she will not enter at all, unless I drag her there and say 'Bathroom please', in my sternest voice.   Is this how passive resistance works ?

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