Saturday 12 June 2010


She has bells around her ankles, Ormila, the new floor and dusting wallah.  Poor Lily, had to go off to have a stomach operation !  Lily is so tiny and concave, that I hope they find her stomach and fix it !  Ormila is quite the opposite, well-built and wears leggings, kurta and dupatta.  I am able to track her, whereabouts around the apartment by the tinkling of bells and so keep out of the way of her charu broom - the motion of the handle-less charu, not only sweeps the dust, but according to some, sweeps away negative energy!  Sweeping is a national pastime in India, I have never encountered a vacuum cleaner !  I have observed the woman who sweeps the street outside, her hair tied in a tight bun and her colourful sari draped and folded around her - she holds the broom in her right hand, whilst the left arm is held lightly behind her back, to give her balance and grace - when I pass in the rickshaw, she looks up and smiles....

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