Wednesday 4 August 2010


It was Tuesday and the International Women's Group of Baroda were meeting for their 'Ladies Lunch' at the best restaurant in town, 'Mainland China'.  Fifty percent of the women, are of Indian origin, but have lived elsewhere in the world and the other half are living in India, but have their origins elsewhere.  Their husbands work for multi-national companies and are on contract in India for one to three years.

Since most of them have been away for the summer, this was an occasion for seeing everyone again, after a break of a couple of months.  As each lady arrived, there were shrieks of pleasure from those already at the long table and comments about what each was wearing - all seemed to be dressed in the latest fashions from outside of India, bearing news of far away places such as Mexico, Canada, the U.S. and Europe....!

In between the courses of delicious Chinese food, the conversation drifted to a book many had read:  "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert, who traveled to three different countries, Italy, India and Indonesia, in search of the three things in the title of her book....

'Did she go to Indonesia for the food?' asked one...
'No - she would have gone to Italy for that' said another lady..
'No, no she would have gone to Italy for love' remarked another...'think of all those divine Italian men'....
'No'....  said an Indian lady.... 'she came to India for love...she learned to love herself'....
'OK... so where did she learn to pray?' asked another....a thoughtful silence prevailed, as we tucked into our Chop Suey...
'She must have gone to Indonesia, to learn how to pray' ...  

Ahem, ladies, have any of you really read the book ?  The only thing you've got right so far, is Italy for the food ! ................. She learned to pray in India and found love in Bali !!!

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