Thursday 16 June 2011


Mango mania - they are displayed in neatly packed rows, for sale on every street corner...but in this hullabaloo, the very old man, who sells only bananas, lies quietly on his wooden trolley, on the side of the road,  one leg crooked against the other, like a deckchair, reading his book of prayers, unconcerned about the passing traffic, head resting on his hand.  When I stop to buy a hand of bananas, he hardly raises himself, as he fumbles for the lead weights and lifts the bananas onto the old metal scale and holds it up to weigh the fruit..... then stretches for the curved knife, its blade blackened with age, to slice a banana off, to get the weight exact.  Perhaps one day I should surprise him and buy every banana on his trolley and send him home early ?

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