Friday 24 June 2011


The CNN weather report showed that the Monsoon rains are drowning China and causing chaos in Mumbai and the east of India but here in Gujarat, not a drop.  Everyone is waiting for the deluge with baited breath, the sky is a uniform grey, but not a drop of rain.  Perhaps it's the cyclonic conditions over the Bay of Bengal, some say.  It might be sucking the rain away from western India.  We consider this anxiously.  Funny how the rains are looked for so longingly and yet when they come, they bring mayhem, as roads fall apart, dams of water build up because there is no drainage and flooding occurs.  Traffic grinds to a standstill.  Livestock, cows and donkeys come flooding into town to avoid the soggy fields and clouds of mosquitoes emerge.  But despite everything, we search the skies every day for a sign of rain, after all, it's been a year of blue sky and unimaginable heat !

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