Monday, 5 September 2011


"Have a nice day" he said....I looked at my watch....3.30 a.m. and I was collecting a cup of coffee from 'Coffee Day' in the Domestic Departures Lounge in Mumbai.  I reflected on whether you could wish anyone a nice day at that hour of the morning.....?

The impact of the return to Asia was making itself felt already.  In the West, nothing much happens after 11 p.m. - the West sleeps, but not so in the East - airports are more lively from 11 p.m. onwards - many flights departing at 2 in the morning !

More adjustments would follow, as the ordered clarity of Tuscany and its rows of vineyards began to fade from my mind - I was in the process of swopping the First World for the Third....Chianti, where it was cheaper to drink wine than water for Gujarat, with its prohibition against alcohol - even a sip of wine, could land you in prison for a couple of nights with a hefty fine to follow.....

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