Saturday, 15 October 2011


Ravi, the agent, came from an area between Mt Abu and Jodhpur in Rajasthan.  They look different to the locals - perhaps because of their proud history of Royal Maharajas and their close links with the Mughals.  They are generally tall with refined features and upright bearing.

Ravi, was a big man in every sense, but somehow I could also picture him as a corpulent Regency Gentleman in a Jane Austen novel, dressed in pink satin breeches, ruffles at his throat, cut away jacket, stockings, leather shoes and buckles, appearing at soirees - the lovable duffer, saying all the wrong things and being scolded for his silliness.

Now I sat before him, asking with some curiosity about my elusive neighbour in the flat above, his perfectly round eyes were serious, as he looked at me intently, after a pause and with precise diction, as if he were going to tell me, that she had a PhD in Astro-Physics, or alternatively that she was employed by the CIA, he delivered this astonishing coup de grace, with the utmost gravity:  "".

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