Saturday 19 November 2011


Cows wander the streets with complete freedom and it is often amazing to see the audacity of some of their jay walking.  Drivers, given the choice, would rather collide with a pedestrian than a cow - they are holy and enjoy divine protection.  They can be seen snuffling through the heaps of rubbish on the streets, their diet being just about anything including plastic bags, newspapers and other unmentionables.  Some shopkeepers throw them a banana and even the occasional rothi.  Milk is sold in plastic bags on street corners early in the morning but since it isn't pasturised, it needs a lot of boiling before it's safe to drink.

Waiting at the biggest and busiest traffic circle in town, the most absurd sight caught my attention - a cow and newly born calf entered the stream of traffic, the calf running on wobbly legs in the midst of the mayhem and without "L" plates, they made their way, with the largest volume of hooting, beeping, traffic into the circle and then took the second exit, going the wrong way up the motorway - talk about throwing your young in at the deep end !

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