Saturday 7 January 2012


"Madam wait !"  Ramesh, the watchman, came running out to meet me, as I walked up the driveway of the luxury apartment block.  He was immensely thin and tall and was the major domus of the building,  responsible for cleaning, gardening and guarding - I would hear him with his stick at night, chasing away stray dogs and during the day, vagrant monkeys.   He and his wife slept on an iron bed in an empty parking bay, in the undercroft of the building.  But now he held out a printed sheet of A4.

"It's from Electric City" he said, bristling with importance - I was mystified - this sounded like some sort of space station.  I scrutinised the page - there were dates, consumption units and totals, with one final figure, hand-written with a flourish.   "It's normal" - he added, as I continued to scan the page....then it dawned on me that this was the monthly electricity bill from the corporation.  Electricity is very expensive in India and meters are sometimes found to be faulty, running more quickly than they should so you can pay to have them checked.  Anyone running their air conditioning units on a regular basis has to pay the consequences.  

But the image of an 'Electric City' stayed with me - I felt privileged to be a customer of this magical place and happy to contribute towards their profits.  "Yes, Ramesh, I'll pay it immediately !" I said.....

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