Sunday 29 January 2012


She was wearing slip-slops - I noticed this with complete astonishment !  This was a flight from London to India, from winter to has a preconceived image of an Air Hostess, from their tightly pulled back hair, to their pencil slim skirts and no nonsense high heel court shoes, so the casualness of this footwear in the context of an international flight was 'shocking'.  But I reasoned idly, while listening to the usual pre-take-off blurb, that in fact everyone wears slip-slops in India, rain or shine, winter or summer, daytime or evening, casual or smart, it is the standard footwear for every Indian.  It is also the first thing they look at when meeting you for the first time - it would seem that for them, the soul is in the feet, rather than the eyes.  I've also noticed that they don't suffer from the usual foot problems that we have in the west.

Ferragamo, in Italy is credited with democratising shoes, which previously had been the preserve of the privileged class.  He made fashion shoes for the masses and started a footwear revolution.  Shoes have been a symbol for class struggle or political statement, in many countries and seem to define you, like no other bar code.

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