Monday 12 November 2012


Dashing to the Night Post Office, I realised that I'd forgotten to bring my own  glue stick - drat, oh drat - a serious oversight !  Nothing sticks in the dry Indian climate - envelopes, stamps etc - every adhesive surface dries out and needs copious quantities of extra glue.  So now I was faced with having to use 'The Glue Pot' provided by the P.O.

This iniquitous object is a dirty shade of blue and is streaked with lava like globules of ancient glue which has dripped down the sides - these have become coated with dust and sticky fingerprints.
The applicator stick pokes out of the pot and is equally embellished with inches of dried glue.  Sometimes the contents are over diluted and this watery solution, when applied to the stamp, causes it to float over the surface of the envelope, without ever staying in one place !  No amount of dabbing makes any difference !  But today the glue had dried out and could be applied in sticky lumps -  she had given me 30 stamps for the Christmas parcel I was posting abroad !  Half an hour later, I regarded my handiwork with some anxiety - the formidable array of stamps, had taken on a three dimensional quality !

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