Tuesday 13 November 2012


They're as ubiquitous as sunshine and rickshaws.  They have no significance in singularity, but rather in their power as a group.  They seem to be a kind of symbol for the democratic fabric of the society and appear at all sorts of occasions:  the opening of a new business, or the outdoor lecture of a visiting swami, or a lavish housewarming party.....but the event which they almost define, is that great social occasion: the wedding.

Party plots have sprung up all over town and in the wedding season, they are always in use.  Organisers of these occasions are able to create the most exotic venues in a matter of hours, beautifully decorated with flowers, drapes and canopies and the serried ranks of uniform white plastic stack chairs, are an important part of the event planning.  They face the stage or platform, being the focal point of the celebration and their number denotes the importance of the occasion.  Very often these chairs are empty, accommodating the sociable and free spirited nature of the guests, who have wandered off somewhere else - but still they serve as a reminder, about the true purpose of the gathering, a still point in the hullaballoo of loud music and bright lights - they have a certain gravitas, decorum and reliability, like a compass pointing true north !

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