Saturday 14 December 2013


If you haven't worn it for 6 months, get rid of it !  There's no point in keeping old clothes in the closet.  Easier said than done ?  In Italy, there are charity bins at depot sites on the side of the road, where you can deposit unwanted items of clothing, but what do you do in India, where no such service exists ?

Barkha was quick with her reply...."that's easy, a woman comes round to my house on a regular basis with a bundle of stainless steel kitchen items and trades them for old clothes, which she then sells at the market!  She'll say that she wants 10 items of clothing for that stainless steel mug, and so on....I buy all my basic household items, in this way".  The women have sometimes lost the male breadwinner in the family because they've died or become alcoholics and this is their way of bringing in an income !

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