Tuesday 31 December 2013


New Year in India depends on your region of origin and your religious beliefs - the Bengalis celebrate New Year in April, as do the Punjabis.  The Gujarati New Year is the day after Diwali in November, according to the Lunar Calendar.  For some, the date is linked to the winter solstice and the harvest festival, heralding a new financial year.  You become accustomed to wishing various Indian friends and associates, a 'Happy New Year', at the appropriate times, throughout the year.  So the Western, Christian, Gregorian solar Calendar year end,  in place for centuries in the West, is a fairly low key affair in India and is not greeted with the huge pyrotechnic displays of the West !   Though some of the big international hotels do make an effort, for the sake of their guests - like the ice sculpture of 2014 !

'2014' - ice sculpture

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