Thursday 3 September 2009


3rd September - the final day of the Ganesha festival and the streets full of singing and dancing while Lord Ganesha travels slowly towards his immersion - the river being the destination.
I hope Lord Ganesha can remove some of the obstacles which a newcomer to India faces. Being a student here isn't easy. The language is a big problem both the local language and the English which is very difficult to understand because of the accent. Trying to sort out a minefield of accommodation problems.
Studying here is very different to the West which is far more empirical. Here everything is weighted down with philosophy and theoretical texts. For a subject like History of Art it is strange to find that no class deals much with images but the focus is far more on critical writing and theories. Reading an art work, is not discussed at all. The interest is in the politics and philosophies of the time.

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