Wednesday 30 September 2009


They arrive for the weekly get-together-lunch in large air-conditioned cars with drivers.  Their husbands are employed by multi-national companies and are posted to Baroda for a few years.  This is the expat. wives club.  Every week it's a different restaurant and the conversation invariably revolves around feminine issues like where to have your hair cut.  "They can't cut layers", somebody wailed.  Of course Indian women have beautiful long hair which they don't cut, so there is not much demand for fashionable cutting - a trim is as good as it gets.

To my horror I found that my favorite Dior Nude Make-up, bought at Selfridges in London, has finally finished.  I'm left anxiously squeezing the bottle, trying to scrape out the last of the contents onto my finger.  Someone said they'd bought some Lancome make-up at duty free and I could use that - but what about the shade ?  It won't exactly match my skin tone and furthermore the texture is important ! 

The Ladies come from all over the place - Australia, Germany, Italy, Canada, U.K., Finland and some Indian women too, who have lived abroad but whose husbands have been posted back to India.  When the lunch bill came, we found that we'd been shockingly overcharged, so with collective lady power, we decided what we thought the lunch was worth, put that on the table, and walked out !  A neatly staged revolt !

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