Saturday 3 October 2009


Oh to have a hot shower !  The bathroom provides a shower but no hot water - so it's the bucket wash system and depending on energy levels, I boil a kettle and add it to the cold water in the bucket.   I think of pictures by Degas of women washing themselves in the 19th century - it looks so romantic !  Occasionally, without any warning, perhaps twice a month, suddenly there is hot water and with whoops of joy, like some shipwrecked mariner, clothes are stripped off and even hair is washed on these occasions.  I have discovered that at midday, when it has been very hot, the water is sometimes tepid, having been warmed by the sun and one time, for some reason, the water was red hot and dangerous, so the bucket was filled with hot water and cold was added.

It's an interesting place, visiting academics from all over the place, sometimes spend a night or two here - one a dental geneticist, from California, told me he had found a tribe from Africa, in Karachi !  They had been marooned there in the 17th century and never got home !  It reminds me of the Canterbury Tales - interesting stories are told by unlikely people,  hurriedly over breakfast and before you can ask them anything more, they're gone again, to the next place.

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