Thursday 29 October 2009

6 KGS.

India is full of surprises, like the gym I've just joined - it's quite the best I've ever encountered, with up to the minute equipment and loads of personal trainers - even water, between exercises, is brought to you on a tray !

Losing 6 kgs of weight, since I arrived here 3 months ago, has been effortless, since I eat to survive rather than with any sense of enjoyment - 'Have I eaten any protein today ?  No !  Better eat a couple of nuts' !   I think this is true for a lot of people who face  a radical change of diet.  The thing I miss most is a fresh green salad with rocket, virgin olive oil and a few olives.   I miss the market in Florence and the gorgeous smell of the fruit and vegetables and think longingly of the porcini mushrooms which must be on sale now, and the pleasure people take in food.  With damp Autumn, everyone will be out in forests with their sticks hunting for mushrooms and collecting them in wicker baskets and thinking up delectable recipes like risotto with funghi.  Good food and the delight people take in it, must be the great pleasure of Italy - the pride they take in a good bistecca or the flavour of excellent parmisan, the way a butcher will handle the meat cuts - yes, I do miss it !

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