Tuesday 27 October 2009


It was an open air gathering in the long courtyard of a school.  White plastic chairs filled the area and people were hushed and intent - you could have heard a pin drop.  I looked up at the indigo night sky, the sickle moon and a single star and then let my gaze drift back to the stage - a huge white backdrop, beautifully lit and a young Indian girl singing a sanskrit prayer.  In the centre sat the swami dressed in saffron robes against a blue cushion.  The last notes of the hymn died away and there was perfect silence for a while.  Then the swami began to speak in a strong clear voice.  His philosophy bubbled out effortlessly and humorously, as he teased his audience, while at the same time dealing with the concepts of belief, logic and the creation.  The audience remained in rapt attention for the hour and a half.

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