Wednesday 16 September 2009


Today, the students persuaded me to go shopping with them into the old town to the bazaar to look for Gerber dance dresses. The old town is a mass of little streets and shops displaying a dazzling array of skirts and skimpy tops, all bedecked with beads and mirrors. What a buzz they created choosing jewelery and clothes. Some of them wrapped up with scarves to prevent sunburn. This is one of the things that has struck me here - watching these girls flying along on their mopeds with scarves entirely covering their faces - showing just a pair of eyes. Some even wear long gloves to protect their arms from the sun. Funny when you think how we in the West pay so much money for a few minutes of UV light.

The other thing which is amusing is the ability of the local population to sleep. You see sleeping forms everywhere - I keep a look out for unusual supports for sleepers. The other day is was 3 petrol cans, lined up together, with a man draped over them, fast asleep - it reminded me of Salvador Dali's soft clock, his head drooping over the first can and his legs over the last !

One comes across surprises every day. A man riding a bicycle with a veritable tower of artificial flowers balanced on the handle bars ! The other night someone carrying a tray on his head with a lit torch ! It looked some strange version of a miner's helmet !

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