Thursday 20 May 2010


Bankim sat behind his desk looking urbane and satisfied.  An easy smile creased his face every now and then.  He looked like an ex public school boy, tall, medium build, nice looking, without it being worrying and above all, confident.  I sat on the other side of the desk.  Bankim is a property developer cum house agent and I'd come to talk to him about finding an apartment.  His 'office' is situated on the ground floor of a three-story structure which he built 3 years ago.  The interesting thing is that it is just a concrete shell with no front to it.  Bankim occupies the whole of the vast ground floor - and in this huge space there is only Bankim's desk and 2 chairs !  The building has no walls so a pleasant breeze passes through this wind sock, making air conditioning unnecessary.

'The value of this property has increased by 100%,and  it's increasing in value as I sit here' !  He quoted square meter prices to me and converted them into dollar and pound value with the help of his Blackberry.  We talked about property as an investment and he spoke with the easy assurance of someone in the 'know'.  'Well you can make a lot of money out of property, but some people don't'  'But how can you be sure of making a profit in the property business', I asked.  'It's all written in your horoscope - we have one drawn up when we are born'  he replied !

Why worry, when it's all written in the stars  ?

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