Tuesday 4 May 2010


A new message on my mobile phone announced the arrival of an exhibition at Trisha Gallery of 'Geeta of Calcutta's All White Summer Collection'.  Every dress, top and korta was either white cotton or silk.   Since the weather is eternally summer with each day identical to the next, people mark the missing seasons by wearing colours appropriate to the concept of the season.  Officially it's summer, so everyone is wearing white because it looks cool.  In October, everyone will wear yellows, browns and greens, suitably autumnal.   Whereas in December and January (officially winter), red and black are popular and in March, pale green and pink are favoured, despite the heat and the dust. 

I chose a white cotton top with a cut work design and a blaze of silver thread down the centre - just the thing for a summer's evening !  "You won't wear that in the West", a friend cautioned me !  I wonder - not even in summer ?

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