Friday 21 May 2010


You could feel it in the air two days ago, the humidity.....the MONSOON!... it's arrived !  It's raining in Southern India !  Everyone's  talking about hit Kerala and Kanataka a few days ago.  It'll reach Mumbai by mid-June, so everyone thinks and Vadodara by the end of June - then we'll all run out and enjoy getting wet.  We haven't even seen a cloud for a year !  Dry, arid, Gujarat is waiting for the deluge !

Bilas can't wait, the commissioned oil painting is finished, but with the humidity, it'll take a month to dry - so he's heading for the Himalayas - 'I can't wait to feel the cool air of the forests, in the foothills of the mountains.' he said with conviction, and you could almost hear him putting down his paintbrush and running out the door.

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