Saturday 26 May 2012


The line up of movies at our local cinema showed the usual list of Bollywood titles, but just out was the "Men in Black 3".  The cinema is an excellent way to beat the heat of summer in Gujarat - reclining seats and air conditioning - what could be better?

Chatting later to a friend in London, on the phone, I urged her to see 'Men in Black 3' - interestingly she replied: "'s not out here yet" !  Here in India, we get to see certain Hollywood movies long before they are viewed in the West.  Seeing ''The Avengers"  with an Indian audience was quite an experience, shouts and clapping greeted every move the super heroes made, groans and gasps with every protracted duel with the baddies and huge gasp of relief when the foe was vanquished !!

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