Wednesday 9 May 2012


"We start with 'scientific brushing'".....she said.  I was immediately interested....this was a lesson in Indian Head Massage and I was about to learn something fundamental to the art......she picked up the brush and began brushing my hair back from my face - this continued for a few minutes.  It dawned on me that this simple every day action, was being given a special significance just through the way it was presented "

She then rubbed some geranium oil on her hands - this is a pungent, aromatic oil - she closed her eyes momentarily - "you see there is an outer energy and we are all part of it - this fragrance should relax you"  She went on to explain that she wouldn't rub the oil directly into my hair, as that made such a mess but a suggestion of it would linger.....more illusion I thought.  Interestingly, they use a number of oils, including sandalwood, which is very expensive, but never lavender oil which is not considered Indian - it's seen as essentially from Europe.

The massage continued and afterwards as I wafted out of the salon on a cloud of geranium oil, I reflected on the experience as being essentially Indian, in its illusory nature - it is what it is, it's what you make it.  You can't really pin it down in a series of sub titles, after all how can you define the energy of a moment of bliss.

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