Saturday 19 May 2012


The smell of plastic was overpowering, as was the line up of cheap shoes.  With little choice, I selected a pair......paid for them and took them home.  But no, they really wouldn't make the cut - back into the box they went and the next day I was back in the shoe shop.  "Madam we don't give refunds, but you can have a credit note valid for a month"

A week later I was passing the same shoe shop, when one of the 3 young assistants came running after me, "madam, madam please could you come into the shop?"  I wondered what this could be about and followed him.  "Madam, we are so sorry that you didn't like the shoes, so we have discussed it and agreed that we three are going to pay you out of our salaries at the end of the month - we'll share the cost amongst the three of us and refund you" !  I looked at the young man in front of me, his earnest face full of complete disbelief !  I looked at his two colleagues, who nodded in agreement - this was quite the most amazing act of generosity I had ever encountered in my life - I couldn't quite believe what I was hearing......and then I shook my head.........."no of course you mustn't do that, I can't accept that but thank you...."  

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