Sunday 9 June 2013


The Vice Chancellor's residence overlooked the main road into the city.  It was a lovely old Colonial double story house with verandahs and a huge garden planted with medicinal and ayurvedic plants, as well as flowering shrubs and trees.   One day, with little pomp or ceremony, something new was added to the garden, a statue of Lord Dhanwantri !  He is mentioned in the Vedas and the Puranas as the avatar to Lord Vishnu and the physician to the gods.  He was a skilled doctor and the first one to discover the benefits of turmeric and the use of salt, as a cleansing agent.  He is known as the father of Ayurvedic Medicine and the first person to impart its wisdom to humans.   His Birthday is celebrated two days before Diwali and all over India he is worshipped as the one who banishes disease and promotes prosperity.

He was described as young and strong, dressed in yellow robes, whose colour heals those who gaze at him.  He holds a conch, a disc of energy, a leech and a pot of celestial ambrosia.

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