Tuesday 18 June 2013


The Neem Tree, (Azadirachta indica) which grows all over India, can reach a height of over 100 feet - it's an evergreen, with pretty shiny green leaves.  It's a tall graceful tree.  The Sanskrit word for the Neem, is Arishta, (reliever of sickness) and has been used for centuries, as a major component in Ayurvedic medicines.

Every part of the tree is used for various purposes - tea, from a brew of the Neem flowers, is drunk before the summer as a cleanser and to strengthen the constitution in preparation for the summer heat.  Neem oil improves liver function and is good as a hair oil !  It's also known to cure chicken pox!  Village Elders usually hold counsel under its leafy branches in open acknowledgement of its  benediction - it emits more oxygen than any other tree.   Its leaves are hung in front of doorways to banish all ill will -  its antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral......!

So it was not surprising to see this lady in Khandarao Market, selling these small Neem Tree twigs as tooth brushes - they are widely used all over India - seemingly no need for fluoride !

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